Luxury Krasa Forum Terms

The following rules govern use of our forums. Members should observe both the letter and the spirit of these rules. Users are also responsible for following forum-specific rules posted at the tops of individual sub-forums.

Each member is responsible for only his or her own posts. If another member breaks rules, you may ignore them or report the problem to the moderators, but you may not use it as an excuse to break rules yourself.

Volunteer moderators help us manage the forums and enforce the forum rules. The moderators cannot read every message, so they rely on members to report problem posts that they encounter. The point of moderation is not to limit discussion, promote or suppress points of view, or any other agenda. The goal of moderation is to keep the forums enjoyable and free from problems that detract from the experiences of our users.

Bannable Offenses

These offenses can result in temporary or permanent account suspension. If you get a warning, please conduct yourself accordingly.

Insults. Direct personal insult of another forum member and other name-calling. People should be able to discuss or even dispute other’s posts without insulting people. You may dispute somebody’s opinion but not attack the person who stated it. There are a lot of other indirect insults that won’t necessary get your account immediately terminated, but depending on the context/nature may lead to post editing, post deletion, warnings, or time-outs. They include telling people to shut up or being extremely or repeatedly rude or sarcastic. It’s not your place to tell other users they are not welcome; if they follow the rules, they are welcome. Simply, don’t make discussions unnecessarily personal. If somebody else insults you, report their post; their post does not give you a license to break the rules by returning their insults. Although we do not read Private Messages sent between forum members, the rules for appropriate and inappropriate content apply to them as well.

Harassment. Purposely intimidating another member, harassing them, sending them abusive, hateful or unwanted private messages, etc. This includes personal attacks on administrators & moderators.

Threats. Any threat or intimation of a threat.

Politics & Religion. No posting of or linking to content or discussions that are of a political or religious nature. Exceptions in forums where indicated.

Explicit content. No posting of or linking to content that is sexually explicit, obscene or pornographic.

Profanity. No profanity, use of offensive language (e.g., racist or hateful terms).

Multiple registrations. You may register only one account.

Trolling. Do not post in order to purposefully anger and aggravate other members.

General Community Guidelines

Be respectful towards other forum members. Be kind! We aim to provide a friendly, supportive and fun community for our members. Personal attacks on other members will not be tolerated. Try and resolve a dispute with another member respectfully via direct message or optionally, report an offending post to a moderator using the report function. Do not take your complaint to the public forums.

Do not post content that reveals the personal information of another person.

Respect Luxury Krasa Forum’s Administrators and Moderators and follow their instructions and directions.

Keep threads on topic. Start threads in the most appropriate forums.

Do not post or link to messages or content that violate any federal or state laws which include, but are not limited to, materials that violates a copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other intellectual property right, or which violates a person’s privacy or contractual right.

Do not post or link to materials if you do not have permission to copy or distribute them electronically or otherwise. This includes posting images copied from another website (hotlinking).

Please refrain from excessive text message shorthand posting (or “text speak”).

Linking to or promotion of other fashion-related online forums or groups is prohibited. However, referencing another forum via a link to credit an original author of a story, information or image is permitted.

Counterfeits / Fakes

The Luxury Krasa Forum community and its members take a strong stand against counterfeit goods. Only post images depicting authentic items. Do not knowingly post images of fake or counterfeit goods, or post links to websites advertising, selling, or promoting counterfeits (“Fakes threads” and “Authenticate This” threads excluded).

Buying/Selling on Luxury Krasa Forum

  1.  Public selling/buying/trading is not permitted on Luxury Krasa Forum. Want-To-Buy or Want-To-Sell posts will be deleted.
  2. Soliciting your items for sale or desire to buy via direct messages to other members is prohibited.
  3. Offering to obtain goods for others or requesting for others to buy goods for you is not permitted.


Your purpose in joining Luxury Krasa Forum or posting should not be to promote, advertise, or otherwise call attention to your site, blog, product, or business. Contact us if you want to advertise on Luxury Krasa Forum.

Self-promotion. Self-promotional links to your blog, social media channel, product, business, etc. are limited to your forum signature and your Profile Details. You are welcome to embed images from your Instagram feed in your posts and share them with our community. Gratuitous linking to your blog is not permitted.

Shilling. If you pretend to be a consumer who recommends your own product(s)/Service(s) or favors your own product(s)/service(s) over others, without admitting your affiliation, you will be banned. Vendors who post in threads only to criticize a competitor’s product while promoting their own will also be subject to account termination.

Commercial interest. Links to your commercial web site for established members (3 months & 300 posts minimum) only.

Soliciting. You may not use the forums to solicit donations, votes, participants for surveys, contests, petitions, or product testing.

Counterfeits. Absolutely no links to sites selling/promoting counterfeit items.

Ad Blockers

Any discussion of ad blocking software/plugins or instruction for using ad blocking regarding this forum or any other discussion in general of attempting to block advertisement will result in an immediate banning. This is not done lightly, rather deliberately to deny access to those who choose to utilize this forum, but not support our sponsors. A forum of this size costs a lot of money to cover hardware, bandwidth and employees, so we please ask for such discussions not to take place here.

General Terms

As set forth in our Terms of Service, a violation of any of the above listed forum rules can result in the loss of posting privileges and termination of your Luxury Krasa Forum account. We also reserve the right to terminate any user, at any time, and for any reason. We further reserve the right to delete, without warning or explanation, posted materials or messages that violate these terms. We reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author.

Midley, Inc., the provider of Luxury Krasa Forum, and its employees are not responsible for the use of any information posted by users on Luxury Krasa Forum. Luxury Krasa, Inc. and its employees are not responsible for the content of any of the messages posted in the Luxury Krasa Forum or of the authenticity of its authors. All opinions and views expressed in the Luxury Krasa Forum are solely those of their respective authors.

We reserve the right to change the aforementioned rules and terms from time to time, consistent with provisions set forth in our Terms of Service.

By registering with and participating on Luxury Krasa Forum, you agree to abide by the above rules and terms.

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